Find out the latest news on 3.fromme DESIGN projects.
Tucker Ranch Wellness Park
Tucker Ranch Wellness Park was recently featured in Synkd South. Click here to read the article.
Tulsa Botanic Garden
Tulsa Botanic Garden prepares to open two new major destinations: The Lotus Pool and the Liberty Garden. The former celebrates the emotional associations and horticultural possibilities open water creates in Oklahoma. The latter is a peninsula intended for community events and private rentals. Fromme was lead designer on both projects. Manhattan Construction and JonesPlan built both spaces.
Fernwood Botanical Garden
Fernwood Botanical Garden invited 3. Fromme Design to continue expanding their successful Holiday light show. Fromme designed the show’s first year and developed additional experiences for the second. The current design phase adds new features for years three and four (2023-2024). A recent workshop involved the Fernwood team in evaluating the first two years and envisioning the future.
Atlanta Botanical Garden
Fromme continues his collaborations with the Atlanta Botanical Garden on creating the Flower Walk’s marquee floricultural displays. Temporary mirrored walls reinvent the linear planting space into a series of sparkling rooms bursting with color.
Huntsville Botanical Garden
Tres Fromme has been the Huntsville Botanical Garden’s Designer In Residence since 2022. He recently facilitated Garden leadership through a series of creative explorations to develop an initial conceptual, spatial, and interpretive framework for the proposed Adventure Garden. Fromme is also leading a team of staff and HDLA to develop an overall master site plan of which a Learning Campus is a critical component.
Tulsa Botanic Garden
Fromme recently spent two days on site brainstorming design concepts with Tulsa Botanic Garden leadership. These potential gardens could form the basis of future Master Plan capital projects. Fromme led the development of the original Master Plan a decade ago, and has remained involved in its ongoing evolution.
Tulsa Botanic Garden
The Tulsa Botanic Garden nears completion of two distinctive new spaces taking advantage of the existing lake: the Liberty Garden and the Lotus Pool. These projects significantly expand the current visitor experience, plant displays, and horticultural collections. They also add choice boutique venues for programs and rentals
APGA Annual Conference
Tres Fromme will be part of a presentation at the June APGA annual conference sharing the planning, design, and construction of the Gerard T. Donnelly Grand Garden at The Morton Arboretum. Fromme was the lead designer on the project which opened last summer.
Bellingrath Gardens and Home
3.Fromme Design, and HDLA have begun a master planning process for this historic and beloved Gulf Coast estate. A critical task will be creating a compellingly creative "big vision" for the future while respecting the site's rich heritage and original design intent.
Tucson Botanical Garden
Tucson Botanical Garden prepares for the opening year of Lights Up: A Festival of Illumination, a celebration of the Garden during the Holiday Season. 3. Fromme Design collaborated with Staff on planning and designing this new yearly tradition. Photo courtesy of the Tucson Botanical Garden.
Morton Arboretum
The Morton Arboretum opens the new Grand Garden during its Centennial year celebrations. Tres Fromme was lead designer and collaborated closely with HDLA as well as The Arboretum Staff to create a series of compellingly immersive spaces showcasing the enchantment of plants, water features, and ornamental architectural elements.
Photo Courtesy of the Morton Arboretum
San Antonio Botanical Garden
The redesigned Water Saver Garden blooms exuberantly in the face of the hot dry Texas summer. 3. Fromme Design collaborated with San Antonio Botanical Garden Staff to rejuvenate this intimate space adjacent to one of the iconic Conservatory pavilions. Drought tolerant perennials, ornamental grasses, shrubs, and vines weave a composition of color and texture spring through fall. Seating encourages visitors to linger and a birdbath in the Bejeweled Lawn invites birds to do the same.
Cheekwood Estate & Gardens
Cheekwood Grows is open! Tres Fromme, Cheekwood's Designer in Residence, worked closely with Staff to create a new garden dedicated to involving youngsters in hands-on horticulture programs and activities.
Tulsa Botanic Garden
Construction proceeds at the Tulsa Botanic Garden on the Lotus Pool and Liberty Garden, two new major spaces. 3. Fromme Design was lead designer on both projects and collaborated closely with TBG Staff, Wallace Design Collective, and Szafranski Landscape Architects.
Fernwood Botanical Garden
Fernwood Botanical Gardens (Niles, MI) opens Lights at Fernwood! 3. Fromme Design lead a team of Fernwood Leadership and Staff to develop the master plan and designs for their reinvented Holiday tradition. The Show celebrates the core property's unique garden spaces and specimen trees with creative illumination. PSL Consultants provided support throughout design and realization.
Fernwood Botanical Garden
Fernwood Education Building Gardens are flourishing. 3. Fromme Design collaborated on a design using parallel bands of perennials, bulbs, and grasses punctuated with canopy trees for four seasons of interest. The garden complements the contemporary architecture and anchors the structure into the overall landscape. Photo Courtesy of Fernwood.
Windrush Gardens
LSU's Burden Center and 3. Fromme Design have begun collaborating on a Holiday Light Show master plan for historic Windrush Gardens in Baton Rouge, LA. Fromme facilitated an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental team to envision a design framework respecting and celebrating the site's rich heritage and enchanting garden spaces.